Good Boost Technology Helping The Community Get Fit
The technology-led Good Boost sessions are proving a hit with the members at Oswestry Leisure Centre and Quarry Swimming and Fitness Centre.
These sessions are low-impact aquatics classes that are designed for people who live with joint pain. Users simply input their details into the Good Boost tablet, and the technology provides you with a tailored workout plan which will look to ease any pain or discomfort you have in your joints.
Audrey Durrant, 69, has been attending Good Boost sessions for around six weeks and says she already feels the benefit.
“I have arthritis in my knees and shoulders, so the technology gives me exercises that improve my flexibility and movement,” she said. “You meet in reception and choose your workouts, then you get ready and meet on pool side for the warm-up.
“I definitely feel the physical difference, but these classes also improve me mentally. Firstly, it’s a brilliant social session, but it also gives you the confidence that you’re getting fitter and stronger. Before these classes, I hadn’t done regular exercise for years so I’m really happy to be getting into a good routine.

The app remembers which workouts you’ve done, and you can give feedback afterwards. So, if there’s a particular exercise that’s been good or bad, you can tell the app and they’ll know that for next time."
Wendy Marston, Community Development Lead for the More Leisure Community Trust said: “We are pleased to bring the Good Boost aqua sessions to our site."
“These sessions complement the rest of our programming, particularly the Healthy Life exercise referral scheme and Active Communities project.
“We have listened to residents who have arthritis or knee, hip and back pain who craved water-based activity and it’s great to see the benefit they are getting from the sessions.”
No referral is needed for our Good Boost sessions – and you don’t have to be a Healthy Life member to take part. These sessions are for everyone - but they have been specifically designed to aid those with joint pain.
We’re proud to bring a varied and useful timetable of sessions to our community. For more information on our Active Communities sessions, please see Timetables