Monday |
4:00 PM -
4:30 PM |
Gym Area 2 |
Past |
Monday |
6:00 PM -
6:30 PM |
Legs, bums and tums is a full body aerobic workout that aims to tone up those flabby areas of your thighs, bum and stomach, great for those who want to lose weight or even for those who simply want to improve their fitness levels.
Gym Studio |
Full |
Monday |
6:30 PM -
7:15 PM |
It incorporates several rounds that alternate between several minutes of high intensity movements to significantly increase the heart rate to at least 80% of one's maximum heart rate, followed by short periods of lower intensity movements.
Gym Studio |
Monday |
7:15 PM -
8:00 PM |
Aqua Fit
Aqua aerobics, is a form of low impact exercise carried out in water. These classes are suitable for everyone regardless of age or ability, combining aqua aerobic exercises with strength and conditioning moves, to give you a full body workout."
Training Pool Area |
Monday |
8:00 PM -
8:45 PM |
Aqua Fit
Aqua aerobics, is a form of low impact exercise carried out in water. These classes are suitable for everyone regardless of age or ability, combining aqua aerobic exercises with strength and conditioning moves, to give you a full body workout."
Training Pool Area |